Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

May 4, 2008

Harness Training

An update on two puppies that have recently started their formal harness training:

Ben is in culture shock, doesn't like being a kennel and didn't eat this morning. Stayed clean in the kennel; I took him out to potty, he saw the sheep/animals and didn't seem to be interested in any of them.

Gilbert on the other hand is doing great; he kicked ass this morning, nice workout. He is showing caution; slowing down in tight areas. Seems to understand clearances. Didn't miss any curb checks, street crossings are better, turns were really good.

I worked him into the auto dealer. He was good, worked his way out and found the door when I left. He is really coming around. I'm still stumbling and stepping on him and he is adjusting and getting used to it. Cross your fingers, so far so good!!!

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