Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

February 2, 2008

Back to Work

Buddy's first day back to work started with a long walk to the library to return two Dog Whisperer dvds and pick up four more. On the way home we walked through the park and saw some of his buddies. Still on the mend, he had to remain calm and walk with them as they played.

After a little play time at home, we got ready for some shopping. Buddy was out of pressed rawhide, so a trip to Mounds was in order. And we wanted to pick up a bag of dog food to donate to the humane society. Also since it was the end of the month, we have to complete our OccuPaws progress report. There were a few other dogs in the store and Buddy behaved well, performing a great SIT STAY on the scale (57 pounds) with many distractions.

A few more stops at Farm & Fleet and Buddy's least favorite place, the grocery store. Some more Dog Whisperer and another walk before the hockey game this evening. We worked on staying by my side and paying attention. He rested duringthe hockey game and did well with SIT STAY between periods as the crowd walked by. He remains calm and attentive walking in crowds.

Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really. ~Agnes Sligh Turnbull

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