Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Chris

We did very little training since last week's OccuPaws session and didn't take Marley anyplace. We had good intentions, but life got in the way and we were lazy. Our weekly OGDA training session requires us to get out and about.

Our next puppy, Banjo attended. He will be joining our household in twelve days. He is spending the next few days at Camp Morga to, hopefully, resolve a disturbing noise issue - he cries in his crate when separated from people and other canines.

All puppies and puppy raisers "Rallied" tonight. This means that we performed the dreaded rally obstacle course. The hardest part is translation of the rally-ese to our standard commands.

After some more regular obedience work we retired to the house for some birthday cake. It was our formal harness trainer's birthday. She brought cake for the puppy raisers and the puppies' indoor manners were tested. They are always in-training.

After some very good puppy behavior and a lot of blah blah blah, as Slick would say, the capes were pulled and it was indoor puppy play time. Carmen, the resident German Shepard, tried to keep order as Reggie, Marley, Cinder, and Banjo chased and tugged. Occasionally Banjo and Cinder would stop to wrestle, then ambush Marley as she walked by.

My observation from tonight's work was that we need a lot of work on the basics: SIT, DOWN, STAY via voice. The outcome of tonight's session was some tired puppies. And a late dinner for canines and humans alike.

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