Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

November 20, 2011


Good News: Monte spent the entire night sleeping on the floor.

Bad News: As Cooper has been learning and developing, at times I have become complacent.  It only took one/two experiences to bring me back to reality. 

At home preparing for puppy playgroup, I took Cooper out to potty and he complied.  We repeated the routine right before playgroup (fifteen minutes later) and then again at halftime.  Everything is good as we follow our routine.  A quick stop at the bakery and grass was across the parking lot, so we skipped our routine.  Not sure if he was tired from playgroup, but Cooper was excellent as we chatted with the owner. No problem, back in the car and a quick stop at the grocery store.  Again the grass was across the parking lot and we were only going to be ten minutes, so we skipped our routine again.

Lesson 1: We tempted fate once too often and Cooper had an accident in the produce section.  We quickly and thoroughly cleaned up the mess using our "diaper bag."  Be prepared.

Lesson 2: Figuring the damage was done we continued shopping. He had another accident in the dairy section.  Again we cleaned it up, but this time we promptly exited the store while Lisa finished shopping. Learn from mistakes.

Lesson3:  It was mildly embarrassing, but no one died.  Accidents happen.

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