In the morning, we learned some tips to help Buddy walk on a loose leash and tips for greeting other dogs. The sessions were beneficial, but the conversations with other puppy raisers was invaluable. The camaraderie of the group was infectious and we realized how much we miss having regular interactions with our OccuPaws team.
The ultimate test for any puppy - lunch. The dog distractions (at least 100 dogs) were combined with food and children moving quickly. Buddy was tempted often, but the greatest temptation was his neighbor. He wanted to play with a puppy sitting next to us. Actually, he only wanted the puppy's toy and was willing to do whatever it took to get it. Other than this brief lapse he was well behaved.
Buddy was allowed to greet a few of the newbies before we said farewell to our new friends in Colorado. As the new raisers received some initial training, we walked back to the train station for a ride downtown to the hockey game. Buddy seemed happy to finally get some rest. He spent most of the game curled up in a ball sleeping and trying to stay warm.
We returned home via two bus rides where Buddy received pets from many of the passengers. He's warming up to the idea of this mass transit stuff. However, this vacation stuff is wearing him out.
There is only one smartest dog in the world, and every boy (or puppy raiser) has it. - Louis Sabin
1 comment:
Glad you enjoyed the workshop and truck! It was fun running into you. Hope you and Buddy enjoy the rest of the vacation!
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