Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

December 2, 2008

Good Dog


Mom tried to fool me today. She had to go to the house with no walls (which now has painted walls, and pretty tile and wood floors), so she thought I would “learn” from being dropped off at Nikki’s house. When first I first got there, I looked around the house - I was very good and did not run around to see everything, I just walked around and sniffed. When mom left, she told me to wait by the door when she walked out. I waited and waited, but she did not come back right away. Nikki even told me that it was OK to move, but wait I did until I figured out that it was OK to sniff some more.

Then, I played with Nikki’s two kids. Nikki told mom that I was very gentle with them, and did not try to chew or pick up their toys. Well, what did she expect? I’m a GOOD dog! During lunch, Nikki put me on a down/stay so that I could not enjoy treats that might fall to the floor. I even got to play in the backyard with two other Labradors while I was there, what fun! After playtime, I went to sleep in a crate for a little while. I whined just a little bit,,, after all, it is not my usual home.

Then, mom came back to pick me up. It was a lot of fun to see her! But I did not jump or bark when she came in the door….after all, I am a GOOD dog.

I don’t know what I learned,,,,but mom learned that I am a GOOD dog. (Humm,,,,is there a theme here? I understand that Santa only comes to visit GOOD dogs. :-)



Madison said...

You MUST be a good dog! Santa is defiantly comin' your way!

Slick said...

I'm sure trying to be good. Why just this morning I jumped on the bed and gave Dad a big kiss...he didn't appreciate it.
