Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

February 2, 2012


Yesterday's doctor visit and training class revealed two opportunities for improvement (OFI).  First, we we need to increase our training time with Cooper.   Now that he is over six months old we can start requiring better obedience and begin learning the new commands required for his job.  Second, we need to do a better job of brushing him.  Mac's black pants were covered in Cooper hair.  So today before heading out for surgery assistance he received a full body brushing.  Ths should be repeated every day along with at least thirty minutes of command training: REST, UP, LAP, TOUCH.

Our day would not be complete without a few elevator rides.  I prefer to work elevators into our normal activities.  Unfortunately we found ourselves at one of my least favorite locations, the Children's Hospital.  The first "moving room" was full which may have helped provide stability. Cooper utilized their elevators without incident, but was not a fan of Mac's jumping :-)

There was plenty of free time as Mac prepared for surgery. Cooper helped him pass the time with walks around the halls and snuggle time. Once Mac entered the operating room we were relieved of duties. Last report was that the operation was successful, Mac is resting comfortably at home, and Cooper just finished his dinner.

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