Due to the extremely hot weather, we haven't been out much, but did get
Chumley to the CSA farm this week. Our outdoor events have included
searching for sprinklers, which Monte loves, and an evening swim to
cool off after chasing around the yard.
Some people believe that having two dogs is easier than one - they have someone to play with. This may be true in some instances, but I find that two dogs will get in twice as much trouble
It is helpful to have an older dog around when training a younger one. Monte swerves as a role model to reinforce commands and provide an example for new ones. There are a few disadvantages too. Twice the food. Twice the medical bills. Twice the time to train and exercise - sometimes more.
This week Chumley was the beneficiary of our miscommunication. Wednesday I woke up early, took Chumly out for a potty break, and fed him. He gets crated after meals and I took Monte for a walk. In the meantime Lisa got up and fed Chumley an additional two cups of food. This unscheduled surplus didn't cause any issues.
The next day, I got up at sunrise and walked Chumley to the park before serving him breakfast. He got crated while I walked Monte to the park. In the meantime Lisa got up and took Chumley for a walk around the neighborhood. A double walk, but I was able to stop her before she fed him. The extra exercise didn't seem to be an issue with his Panosteitis.