Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

September 3, 2009

Pink Escapee

Miss Pink escapes from the blue prison.

Mr Blue sounds the alarm with howling , barking, and whining.

"Shut Up - We Don't Care - It's Nap Time".

Banjo attended another OccuPaws training class with Slick and Dale. If only he could learn through osmosis. Our little man really needs the extra attention.

Continued our work with SIT, STAY, and COME. The DOWN command is totally treat induced and he pops up as the lure disappears. Our new trick is to hold him still as we raise the "treat" hand. We started to lay the groundwork for HEEL, having him closely follow us as we walk around making abrupt turns. Banjo has to focus on our movements; he didn't appreciate this.

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