Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

October 16, 2011


 This evening we had a dilemma: Which dog to take our CSA harvest party?  Monte is much better behaved and will obey commands, while Cooper is our focus and needs interaction with people. 

Two dogs was not an option.  Last year we took both Banjo and Monte; it went well, but not as enjoyable as it should be, mostly due to the puppy.

The winner was Cooper.  He enjoyed the attention from the children and adults, when he wasn't gnawing on sticks.
Every time we leave Monte home is difficult for us.  I thought it would get easier, but I am not sure that we have settled into our roles yet.  To make myself feel better and burn some canine energy, Monte went for two long walks today - alone, no pesky puppy jumping up to bite his lip.

We have decided to relax our expectations of Monte and let him be a dog, free of any stress for a few months.  We have been avoiding his trigger points and letting him run free through the meadow.  However, it is not a free-for-all, we do maintain basic obedience on our walks and runs.

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