Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

February 27, 2009


Archie appears more comfortable today. He has found the favorite spot to relax on a sunny winter's day. He is looking so mellow and well behaved or is that trouble I see lurking in those sad eyes?

Last night I told Michelle that I was going to fabricate stories to make Archie look bad in order to put a smile on Marlene's face. However, Archie's behavior has been beyond anything I would have created. Trouble began this morning when he raided the trash can in Lisa's office.

He hasn't learned our house rules yet. No grabbing food or toys off the crate. Stay out of the garbage cans. Stay means stay. Don't leak. Wait for your food and don't touch my food. Sit now, don't think about it. Wait for us to enter/exit first. It's only been twenty four hours, so we need to be patient and consistent.

Lisa took Archie to the drug store and then for a walk before I got home from work. I took him for a second walk with Buddy when I got home. We worked on SIT, DOWN, and STAY to reinforce who the pack leader is. He has been much more relaxed this evening, "A tired dog is a good dog."

1 comment:

Tabatha said...

oh boy....appears you have your hands full!! :) Good luck!!