Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

February 13, 2009

Snakes and Dogs

Did you know that snakes and dogs are natural enemies? According to Divit the answer is "most definitely".

We have black and brown "snakes" throughout our house tonight thanks to our canine house guest, Divit. We found out that he is seriously afraid of belts. Every time he sees a belt he cowers and slinks/bolts away. We tested all kinds of belts to determine if there was any other explanation.

Not finding any other probable cause, we began a desensitization program. I have placed belts strategically around the house - in every room so Divit cannot avoid seeing them. He was avoiding them at first, but after a few hours he is doing much better.

Next step will be touching them. Hopefully by Sunday night, he will be wearing my belt around his neck. Either that or he will break down the front door trying to get away.

1 comment:

Tabatha said...

isn't it funy the small things that get the pups all worked up! :)