Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

February 9, 2009

Our new Dog - Divit

Marley left us this afternoon. Just in time too. As we were starting to trust her, she went potty in the house. Also, Marlene wasn't happy that I was ruining her project. In return for our secret weapon, we received what appeared to be Buddy's brother.

Divit comes to us after having x-rays on his hips and elbows. Fortunately he and Moby both passed.

This evening we simply introduced the two black boys on our walk to the park. Divit walked close and was attentive. We worked on HALTing this evening. The dogs were allowed to play a bit on the return trip. Their styles, energy, and looks are so similar that we truly can not tell them apart. Thankfully they know their names.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Wow just in time too , I seen it in Marley's eyes that she was very close to being ruined . When I'm sure she's a super dog I will send her back for a "short" visit !! Wait until you see who I'm sending you next ......