Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

November 14, 2008


Echo attended a staff meeting with Lisa today. People mentioned that if they knew that Echo was going to be there they would have brought some treats for him since he couldn't share the doughnuts. Or could he?

During the meeting a piece of doughnut hit the floor near Echo. He resisted the yummy temptation with some encouragement. The doughnut dropping offender apologized and quickly retrieved the morsel. Lisa explained that he needs to learn to LEAVE IT and it was not a problem, but rather a good test.

After the staff meeting, Echo was forced to attend another boring meeting with the accountant for the LLC. Nothing exciting, just a good dog.

It was not a good night. First, we met up with a rain shower in the middle of our evening walk. Echo once again displayed his dependence/fixation on Buddy. To top things off, he made poo with his cape on for the second time this month.

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