Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

March 1, 2009

New Puppy?

We had a new puppy delivered to us Saturday morning. Lisa took him for a potty walk before I took him for a run through the park. He met Leinie and Thor in the park. We call our new puppy Arch.

The community day sale was Saturday, so Arch and Lisa went shopping to save some money. They calmly walked the mall and rode the elevator. Some other shoppers (friends of Michelle) thought they recognized Arch from the Dawg Zone in Janesville. They were mistaken, they called him Archie.

Archie, who we had Thursday and Friday, was totally undisciplined and frenetic. Our new puppy Arch is calm and mild mannered with only an occasional lapse in judgement. An example of the difference was the surprise birthday party on Saturday night in Cuba City. Arch listened attentively and laid at my feet for four hours, except when he needed a potty break.

In a strange location, Arch behaved well staying out of the kitchen during meals, playing nice with young humans, DOWN STAYing when told, and sleeping in a portable crate to list a few positives. He was a great ambassador all weekend.

This morning Arch and Buddy were rewarded with a long walk. They spent half of the hour playing with, but mostly ripping apart two foam balls that we found on our jouney.

Tonight we walked to the park and met a dog, then a couple more, and even a few more. There was quite a pack. Arch plays well with others, but his favorites were Geneva, Leinie, and JoJo. Our Sunday evenings are not complete without puppy ear cleaning and cradling.

It is so nice to have our new puppy, Arch. He is a much better looking dog than Archie. We'll have to see who shows up to spend the day with Lisa tomorrow.

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