Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

March 14, 2009

Stairways to ...

We spent the morning with family. Echo's first stop was the Overture Center for a Irish dance celebration for St Patrick's Day. We arrived late, so we watched from above. Before the presentation, Echo caught the attention of those that were lucky enough to be seated below and they snapped pictures of the special puppy in the Overture Center.

In addition to all the youngsters that provided puppy distractions and interactions, the Overture Center offered unique stairways to challenge a puppy. Stairways were not an issue, but Echo still has issues licking others.

We grabbed a quick lunch while Echo grabbed a comfy spot under the table. The final stop for the afternoon was the capitol building. We traversed the many different hallways, rode elevators, and climbed more stairways

The most interesting part of the day's adventure for Echo were the squirrels and birds on the capitol grounds. He is very aware of the creatures and their movements - high prey/play drive.

The day ended with the last hockey game of the season for Echo (at least in Madison). We walked even more stairs and he only gobbled up one piece of popcorn. It got to the point that every time we encounter a stairway, he assumes we are going that way.

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