Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

July 18, 2008

A Dog!

Echo appears to to be much better today. His health is firming up this afternoon. We took a quick potty walk in preparation for our outing. Buddy had to stay home, however he did get to eat early.

After our afternoon walk, Echo jumped in the car for a ride to the farm to get this week's vegetables. And he got to visit with Zoe, the farm dog. Zoe knows when we bring a dog, great sense of smell; she patiently waits while staring at the car door. Outside the car it seemed as though both wanted to play, but each of them was afraid to make the first move.

Our first stop was Wal Mart. We were worried that Echo might be too tired and we would have to drag him across the smooth cool tile floor. He stayed with us, only stretching out on the floor when we stopped to compare prices or read ingredients. At the checkout counter, I was commanding Echo to SIT. The clerk, a self proclaimed obedience trainer, told me that pulling up on the leash wouldn't work that I had to push down on his butt. Two seconds later Echo was sitting in front of me and I remained standing never touching the dog.

Next was our weekly grocery shopping trip which was Echo's first extended shopping experience. Many head and back rubs were provided by the customers. A few times we heard children at the other end of the aisle exclaiming "Mom, there's a dog." The mother would look over and surprise would fill her face. Once a lady next to me mentioned that we must get a lot of attention. I responded with my usual sarcasm, "No, that's the first time" :-)

Helping Push:

We all sat/laid down to watch our favorite show. Echo's first episodes of the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. He was very interested in the barking and seemed to be be watching the other dogs. Finally a long walk before bed. Once again hoping for a full night's sleep.

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