Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

October 4, 2008

Patience, Patience, Patience

The plan this weekend was to take care of Lisa's father who just returned from a three week hospital stay. When we got there on Friday night Echo did okay on calm greetings. No problem with the walker and green oxygen tubes running from room to room.

Saturday found Echo and I in the Emergency Waiting Room. Stationed between my feet Echo sounded a few whimpers and then he settled in for our two hour stay. We met many new people in the waiting room during our extended stay. Our waiting room companions wanted to know how to get their dogs to behave like Echo.

Everyone else was treated and left. We were the last ones still waiting. After a potty/stretch break, we went into the ER patient room. Echo settled in quickly even with all the staff movement, lights, and sounds. After about an hour, her father was admitted and we moved upstairs to a regular hospital room (more waiting for Echo). By the way, no problem walking next to wheelchairs.

Upon returning home, we picked up Buddy and went for a long walk. We stopped at the football field for some unleashed romping and wrestling - dogs only. We all needed a nap after a restless night and long day.

Jalyn, age 5, stopped by to see Echo. They played well together and Echo responded to most of her commands. Then one final trip to the hospital for a visit before bedtime. Echo was able to practice the most difficult puppy skill - Patience.

1 comment:

Puppy website said...

Thank you for sharing. I liked all Labrador puppies.

Puppy Website