Hawk's Schedule

8/4 Lake Mills
8/12 CCSDA Training

November 16, 2009

San Francisco

Yesterday we had a nice adventure in San Francisco. We took BART from Oakland, and then tromped around the city on foot. We went down Market Street and then up in Noe Valley. This is at the top of a hill, overlooking the bay.

We saw lots of little dogs, and some not so little dogs, that Promise wanted to say hi to. We said hi to some and got a little better at not saying hi to all.

We also had lunch at a restaurant...she slept quietly. Then in the evening, we went to the MFA recital of a friend at Mills College. It was a come and go concert, so we could leave when necessary. We sat out one piece that we had been forewarned might be loud and went for a little walk. Promise did great until the last piece, during which she started to snore. She was completely gone. After a large amount of petting, she finally woke up enough to move, and stopped snoring.

We've been riding the AC Transit busses, which Promise has pretty much gotten used to. They make different noises and are a little more erratic in traffic than she's used to. Our only issue has been barking. She's barked at the door to the apartment building a few times, and a couple other occasional gruffs or barks.

More pictures.

1 comment:

Slick and Barb said...

It sounds like you and Promise and having a great time!